Holiday Stress & Last Minute Gift Guide

The Holiday Season is in FULL EFFECT! Whether you celebrate & partake in the festivities or try to stay out of it, you can see it all around you, hear it everywhere and just feel the holiday vibes.  While this is a joyous occasion for many, it also can be an overwhelming and stressful time of the year for others.  Families reunite, tensions may rise, gift giving and money situations can be blown out of the water (and not always in a good way).  

A few tips on how to stay grounded these last few weeks in this year and really start your new year in positive, high spirits.

1) Don't over do it-- if there is something you want to attend, host, or purchase during this time, do it, BUT if you feel like you HAVE to go to that party and you HAVE to buy gifts for every single person you know, DON'T.... Do only what will make you happy, and while the holiday season is about giving and making sacrifices, it is also about keeping your mental health and feeling good about what you ARE choosing to do

2) Self-Care- Don't neglect yourself, take a break if you need to, do something good for yourself; whatever for of self-care that you enjoy and that it refuels + recharges you, do it

3) Routines-- O.k. I know routines can be boring etc etc but why not keep your routines (if you enjoy them) (similar to self-care) .... if you are used to working out 3-4x a week, why stop because the holidays are here, if you go and get coffee or partake in a happy hour once a week with a group of friends, why change that... keep your routines, these keep your mind at ease and not create possible anxious moments for yourself because of the unpredictability

4) Be Mindful-- Mindful of yourself, others celebrations and excitement, of your feelings and your behavior.  If you are or are not excited about something, its o.k. to share but what it is not o.k. is to be in mad or annoyed and project those feelings unto others

5)  Enjoy yourself-- Whatever you are choosing to do or not to do, enjoy it. Enjoy yourself, reflect on the times and the season, and just take that moment to ENJOY

If you are part-taking in some gift exchanging and have a coach, mentor in mind, here are a few last minute gift ideas:

Gift Cards/ Certificates- a gift card to their favorite coffee shop, to Amazon, a favorite spa, Barnes and Nobles, or another similar store, office supplies,  a service they may use (like VA, printing place, etc)

* Planner- Every coach I know LOVES a good planner

* Workshop/Seminar/Class- have the been wanting to attend one, cover their admission/entrance fee

* Journal- We also LOVE journals ;) there are so many great ones out there and we love to use them!  

** The best gift you can always give them is REFERRALS! It does not cost you a thing! Share their business, their products, send potential clients/ customers to them **

Remember the #12daysofcoaching2018   on Instagram??  We just wrapped up this week and it was such an AMAZING  experience! So much content and a wealth of information! AWESOME colleague (and now friends ;) that put it together did a fabulous job.  Let me tell you what she also did, she recorded and uploaded all of our LIVE sessions for everyone to go back and experience! Maria Aleandra  is so awesome!  Go check out all the awesome mini coaching sessions of  #12daysofcoaching2018   HERE!