I know we have ALL heard of the saying "If live gives you lemons, make lemonade!"
Well I am not sure if you like lemonade but I don't, so when live gives me lemons, I make Lemon Cake!
Let's be honest, sometimes shit sucks, I am not going to sugarcoat it. You can feel spiraling down, NOTHING is going right! Right!? See the keyword in the last sentence, is FEEL! You, ladies and gentlemen, YES YOU, have the power and control to shift that, change it and suck the juice right out of that lemon! The worst thing you can do for yourself is throw a pity party. I am not saying that you cannot be PISSED and MAD, for a minute or two, after that MOVE ON! Trust me, sitting there will do Absolutely Nothing for you!
Now go grab the lemons and make something good! Repeat after me, I AM IN CONTROL!
** Some Freebies for You!**